CreatingSTEAM 2016 is quickly approaching. In just a few weeks, students from all across the New York Metro Area will arrive at Microsoft NYC for two weeks of immersive STEAM learning, team building, and entrepreneurial challenges, working together to solve real problems facing humanity and learning valuable skills for the future. This year, students will also enjoy working with our international partners from Australia, as their team of students, teachers, and industry professionals will be joining us for the program to see how the model can be applied back at home.
Students work together to program their humanoid robot, the HROS1 by Trossen Robotics
For those who have not experienced the CreatingSTEAM program, it is a life-changing opportunity for students who want to learn more about how science, technology, engineering, arts and math will affect their future, what kinds of careers will exist when they are graduating high school and college, and how to educate themselves and become lifelong learners.
Students brainstorm their concept for a conceptual business that will serve humanity
Feedback from our students and teacher community has been overwhelmingly positive. Students report an increased or renewed interest in technology, a greater level of comfort using technology systems and tools, and a deeper understanding of the roles involved in industries like engineering, science, mathematics, and art. We compiled a few pieces of data from the exit assessment administered to students at the end of the program that show how the learning impacted the students' thinking. Students were asked to evaluate the program, what they learned, and how it changed their thinking. Here are some of their responses (identities have been removed to protect our students):
"I have discovered what I want to do after high school. I also know how to work better in team."
"This event has taught me to get out of my comfort zone. I used to be very shy and socially awkward, but the activities helped me interact with others."
"I learned a ton of things. One of those things would be that you can never give up on your dreams. Once you find something you love, stick with it and be open to opportunities because you never know where the world will take you. I also learned a ton of things about STEAM and what that is. I learned how many different jobs play into the idea of STEAM and how there are limitless possibilities in those fields."
"During my time here I learned so much, as in building computers, apps, and websites, also learning the different jobs and skills that people who in the technology and engineering fields need to have."
"I learned never to put my ideas on hold."
"I learned to try new things. And have fun doing it."
A student leads our discussion panel with experts from various STEAM industries. This was one of the most exciting parts of the two-week program.
These are not one-off appraisals of the CreatingSTEAM program. These are the results we see time and again in our programs. We Connect The Dots emphasizes longevity in all of our programs by addressing where students can go for further learning, how they can access the resources they need, and asking them to reflect on what they have learned. The program this year will build on all of the positive experiences and learning opportunities in the past, and venture into new territory for the students participating this year.
If you would like to attend this program, there are still a few seats available. Visit our webpage to learn more and sign up! If you would like to support We Connect The Dots in our effort to make these kinds of programs available to all students, please consider donating to our Indiegogo Campaign. Your support can change the life of a student for the better.