Student Training Sessions - Competition Levels
Training Sessions are recommended for students to participate
Upon registration, students will receive the invite details for the online information sessions and credentials to participate in the program.
Level I: Training Begins November 3rd - HTML, CSS focus, with an introduction to JavaScript.
Sessions Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
November 3rd, Monday
November 5th, Wednesday
November 8th, Friday
Level II: Training Begins November 10th - JavaScript focus, with integration of HTML, CSS
Sessions Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
November 10th, Monday
November 12th, Wednesday
November 15th, Saturday
Level II Competition requires verification of your skills by taking the pre-assessment by November 30th. Link to Assessment
If you do not complete an assessment by November 30th, we will assume you are competing at level I.
Level III: Training Begins November 17th - Advanced Web Development using JavaScript and React
Sessions Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
November 17th, Monday
November 19th, Wednesday
November 22nd, Saturday
Level III Competition requires verification of your skills by taking the pre-assessment by November 30th. Link to Assessment
If you do not complete an assessment by November 30th, we will assume you are competing at level I.
Student INFORMATION Sessions
all team-building sessions are mandatory
Students will receive the invite details for the online information sessions upon registration.
Team assignments will be announced during Team Building Sessions - All Team building sessions are mandatory.
Monday, December 1st: 7:00-8:30 PM
Wednesday, December 3rd: 7:00-8:30 PM
Friday, December 5th: 4:30 - 11:00 PM (Program Kickoff!)
Saturday, December 6th: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Sunday, December 7th: 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
Friday, December 12th: 4:30 - 11:00 PM
Saturday, December 13th: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Sunday, December 14th: 8:00 AM -5:30 PM (Project Presentations!)
Project Presentations take place via Microsoft Teams - Sunday, December 14th, from 1PM- 5 PM EST
Project submission is Sunday, December 14th, by 11:00 AM.
Each Team will consist of 3 Members with 1 Mentor
Team members will be introduced, and activities will reinforce collaboration and learning to work together online. During these sessions, there will be fun, competitive gamification with prizes for the winning teams demonstrating their abilities to solve problems successfully.
More details regarding project submission by Teams will be outlined on Friday during the program kickoff.
Student Project Scope:
Students work in teams to build a conceptual business that supports the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. As a team, the students will integrate technology and work to develop a website that offers a solution to a problem facing society. This program prepares students with 21st-century workforce skills while preparing them for an active role as a social entrepreneur. This program is one of a kind, and it offers students the opportunity to learn to work in a diverse team, build workforce skills for their future, learn how to learn online, get creative with innovating and problem-solving, and align to real-world issues.
…And multiple opportunities for Gift Cards and additional Prizes Throughout the weekend!
*Disclaimer: Prizes are subject to change due to availability
HUGE ThankS TO our 2023 HACK-A-Thon Sponsors & Partners!

2020 Photos and student projects
First Place Winners: Drone Earth
This team received the first-place award for their unique use of drones to solve the increasingly detrimental issue of waste management. By prototyping a garbage drone with visual design software, these boys demonstrated a feasible concept. Also, incorporating React allowed this team to have the most intuitive and appealing website design.
Second PLace Winners: Reduce Traffic Mortality Rates
By tackling a leading cause of death in the world, this group received the second-place award. In order to reduce motor vehicle crashes, drones would be flown to patrol intersections and send help to the victims. This team’s website displays a simple and functional layout with a focus on navigation.
Third Place Winners: Aid to the amazon
Through the current environmental issue of deforestation, this group exemplified the need for drones in the Amazon rainforest. With the use of drones, areas being burned can be patrolled and information can be gathered. Their website design maintains an appropriate theme with a unique donation feature built into the site.