CreatingSTEAM Student Scholarship Application 2018


CreatingSTEAM Student Scholarship Application 2018


Students participate in a two week program Monday-Friday. Throughout the 10 day experiential learning program students gain competencies in 21st century workforce skills and awareness of STEAM career opportunities for today and in the future. Competencies that are integrated into the 10 day experience are, the Value of Lifelong Learning, Problem Solving, Self-Management, Teamwork, Collaboration On- and Offline, Information Media and Technology Skills, ICT Learning, Knowledge construction, Leaderships, Life and Career Skills.

The age requirements are 13-18 years old.  Teachers and students are involved in designing and teaching the sessions or co-teaching with STEAM industry experts. The intention is to help bring new and exciting teaching experiences to our schools each year by helping teachers integrate technology into the classroom.

Our goal is always a balanced ratio of diverse students attending the conference. We create an environment that teaches students the value and importance of diversity in working in teams to innovate for our future. Students have the opportunity to learn about the latest technology initiatives in the industry and how those initiatives will create innovation and new career opportunities. Our parents are involved in the conference on the last day so that we ensure the support and understanding of the opportunities for our students as they engage with their parents around career ideas.

To learn more about the program check out our blog page from last year's program.

Complete Application to Apply to Program